Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Day 16

Okay, so I'm a little worried...I was 275 again this morning. I have to admit that I was a little naughty last night and ate more dinner than I should have. Although the PA, Jeff, said that while I am on my period and not doing the HCG injection I could eat 750 calories. I don't think I ate quite that many, but I don't want to get stuck at the same weight. I am being really good today and hope that will bring me back down. I also found out that I have been eating the wrong # of crackers (see previous post). said 4, but that was really 2 broken in half like a graham cracker. I was still losing weight before so I am sure I'll survive and eat the proper amount now. I did give myself an injection today. I went 2 days without and ended up at the same weight. The HCG should burn the calories I need to lose a pound today. Better luck tomorrow!

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