Friday, July 25, 2008

Day 25

Me, in my new outfit, and Madison at the Gateway
265...that's right...265! Another 1.5 down. I went yesterday and got a new summer outfit. Thanks Target! I am a shirt size smaller, but my bottom is still the same. Plus I haven't worn shorts for at least 5 years! I still need to focus on my middle and get that smaller. The shorts are loose so that's encouraging. Today I get to spend the day with my brothers and sisters. We don't all live by each other so I am really excited. Of course my only worry is that we will be spending the day in Park City and there are so many yummy things to eat. I know I can do it!

1 comment:

The Me/ The Wife/ The Mom said...

I happened upon your site and am so glad that I did.

Congratulations! Keep going! You are an much so that I want to jump on your band wagon!